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时间:2023-11-07 09:04:47 点击:

报告题目:Taming Dyson-Schwinger equations with null states

报告人:李文亮,中山大学bv伟德国际体育 副教授



ZOOM850 6836 5008 密码:1110


  In quantum field theory, the Dyson-Schwinger equations are an infinite set of coupled equations relating n-point Green's functions in a self-consistent manner. They have found important applications in non-perturbative studies, ranging from quantum chromodynamics and hadron physics to strongly correlated electron systems. However, they are notoriously formidable to solve. One of the main problems is that a finite truncation of the infinite system is underdetermined. Recently, Bender et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 101602 (2023)] proposed to make use of the large-n asymptotic behaviors and successfully obtained accurate results in D=0 spacetime. At higher D, it seems more difficult to deduce the large-n behaviors. In [Phys. Rev. Lett. 131.031603 (2023)], we propose another avenue in light of the null bootstrap. The underdetermined system is solved by imposing the null state condition, which is central to the minimal model conformal field theories. This approach can be extended to D>0 more readily. As concrete examples, we show that the cases of D=0 and D=1 indeed converge to the exact results for several Hermitian and non-Hermitian theories of the gϕ^n type, including the complex solutions. We will also discuss how to unify the two different approaches by a new kind of analytic continuation and the novel principle of minimal singularity.


  李文亮, 2012年在法国巴黎高等师范学院获硕士学位,2015年在法国巴黎第七大学获博士学位,2015-2021年在希腊克里特大学、韩国首尔国立大学、韩国庆熙大学、日本冲绳科学技术大学院大学等任博士后,20217月至今任中山大学副教授,研究领域为量子场论与引力理论,近年来主要从事非微扰量子场论的Bootstrap研究。


