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时间:2022-11-25 09:00:39 点击:

报告题目:Linking Planck scale to Electroweak scale -Asymptotically safe gravity and its implications for matter dynamics-

报告人:Masatoshi Yamada


腾讯会议号:165-303-209 密码:2022


  We explore the relationship between Planck scale and electroweak scale from the viewpoint of quantum gravity. Quantum gravity has not been completed yet, but here we assume "asymptotically safe quantum gravity" which is one of candidates for quantum gravity. In asymptotically safe quantum gravity, there exists a non-trivial fixed point in the theory space, and a renormalizable theory is constructed on the ultraviolet critical surface spanned by a finite number of relevant operators around the fixed point. In general, the existence of non-trivial fixed points cannot be argued in perturbation theory, so non-perturbative methods are needed. Therefore, asymptotically safe.


   Prof. Yamada got Ph.D.in the Kanazawa University, Japan, in 2016, then worked as a postdoc at the Kyoto University, Japan (2016), and the Heidelberg University, Germany (2016 - 2022). Prof. Yamada’s research interest is in the nonperturbative approaches to quantum field theories such as the functional renormalization group, and its applications to cosmology, phenomenology beyond the standard model, and quantum gravity, also condensed matter systems, etc..


