报告题目:Covariant Density Functional Theory with Localized Exchange Terms
报告人:赵强 博士,韩国基础科学研究院
The exchange terms in the nuclear covariant density functional theory (CDFT) can play an important role in the descriptions of nuclear structure. However, they are usually neglected in most of the applications for simplicity. Here we propose a new density-dependent point-coupling CDF PC-PKF with localized exchange terms. By using the Fierz transformation, the exchange terms can be expressed as the superpositions of the Hartree terms. The new density functional PC-PKF can eliminate the spurious shell closures at Z = 58 and 92, which exist commonly in many covariant density functionals without exchange terms. Moreover, the Gamow-Teller resonances are nicely reproduced without any adjustable parameters, and this demonstrates that a self-consistent description for the Gamow-Teller resonances can be achieved with the localized exchange terms in the PC-PKF.