报告题目:Shear-wave estimation from different type of sediments
报 告 人:Prof. Hefeng Dong
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway
主 持 人:崔志文 教授
报告时间:2017年7月7日 13:30
This work presents estimates of shear-wave velocity profiles for different types of sediments by inverting the dispersion curves of interface waves. Data used in this study were collected at different locations with different recording devices in different experiments. Four data sets were analyzed. Data from one set were recorded by hydrophone array, and data from other three sets were collected by multi-component ocean bottom seismic cables. The configuration of the experimental setup and the environmental conditions were different for the different experiments. Water depth varied from 2 m to 365 m. The frequency range of the interface-wave data was from 1.5 Hz to around 20 Hz. The phase-velocity dispersion curves of the interface waves were extracted using different time-frequency analysis methods. The maximum penetration depth of the interface waves to the sediments varied from 15m to 180 m. A Bayesian nonlinear inversion approach was used for estimating shear-wave velocity profiles as a function of depth in the sediments and the uncertainties. The estimated shear-wave velocity profiles from different experiment and different sediment type were discussed and compared.
董和风教授是国际上最早模拟流体饱和孔隙介质声场的学者之一,于1994年提出声压-速度有限差分法,模拟了孔隙地层测井声场。2002年起任挪威科技大学终身教授。多年来在水声声学遥感、地声反演及声测井、沉积孔隙介质声传播模拟、远距离声传播、有限差分方法、射线追踪及信号处理、地震模拟等方面进行了研究取得了系列成果。 近年在董和风教授主要在地声学正反演方面开展了深入系统的研究工作,对浅海和大陆地区的地震资料进行数据处理,并利用表面波频散特性反演地层横波速度剖面。 在声学权威期刊美国声学学会会刊发表数十篇论文,结果受到同行广泛关注。她是美国声学学会和电气和电子工程师协会会员。