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时间:2016-06-12 00:00:00 点击:

Driving magnetostructural transitions in layered intermetallic compounds

                     Reporter: Dr Jianli Wang

       Institute of Superconducting and Electronic material, University of Wollongong, Australia

   Abstract: The ability to control magnetic performance using external stimuli such as temperature, pressure, magnetic field and elemental composition, is increasingly important for the development of technological materials and devices. We investigate the magneto- elastic coupling in the layered structure RMn2X2-based systems and control the magnetic states in purpose-designed magnetic materials using these four inter-related dimensions (such as temperature, pressure, magnetic field and composition). Our study focuses on tailoring magneto-elastic behaviour in rare-earth compounds to improve their physical responses. This will lead to enhanced potential for practical applications in the fields of solid state refrigeration, magnetic sensors, switches and actuators. By combining various advanced experimental methods (magnetic, electric and thermal properties characterization, neutron scattering, synchrotron powder diffraction and first principles calculations, we investigated the correlation between the variation of magnetic states, the 3d electronic structure and magneto-elastic coupling and form the foundation from both experimental and theoretical side for designing novel magnetic functional materials. 

时间:6月17日14:00      地点: 物理楼333会议室